Our Activities
This cooperative is actively engaged in regional activities related to new agriculture, encompassing aspects such as biodiversity, luminous plants, and carbon credit initiatives. These activities aim to promote and support socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes, contributing to the enhancement of biodiversity and the well-being of the local community.
由台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)舉辦2023第三屆「TSAA台灣永續行動獎」,歷經嚴謹審查程序,共有279件方案獲獎,將於7月21日「2023亞太永續博覽會」上盛大頒獎。據獎項執委會統計,本屆共有185家單位報名參賽,總參賽件數321件,最終評選出5件特優、95件金獎、96件銀獎與83件銅獎方案。本次評選工作非常感謝100位由專家、學者及社會賢達所組成的評審團參與評選,評選過 程嚴謹客觀、公正;整體而言企業在永續績效及單面向的卓越案例表現較往年大幅精進,深獲評選專家學者讚許,也期盼在各界及所有人的共同努力下,為當代及後代子孫創造更美好的永續家園。「發光植物生技地方創生」獲得「2023台灣永續行動獎榜單」特優獎。
美國紐約 Muse design award 號稱設計界的奧斯卡獎,國內曾獲獎作品有臺北101大樓、高雄愛河燈光設計;跨領域結合並在國際與藝文、產學界鏈結與發光「發光植物」,分別榮獲的獎項有:「光學設計/農業光學」金獎、「產品設計/永續環境」金獎及「產品設計/未來科技」白金獎。
Seed Coleus Greenhouse Regional Revitalization
The research on the greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program is endorsed by the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. Our approach involves the integration of traditional ecological knowledge with modern science to foster innovation. Furthermore, we have established a novel form of co-management systems or evolving frameworks, often referred to as "commons," while respecting traditional communal land tenure. This initiative has been recognized and is set to receive the Silver Award in Corporate Social Responsibility at the 2023 Muse Creative Awards.
Activity of greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program for glowing plants